David Finch is known for his works for Top Cow Productions and Marvel Comics.
Recently he joined writer Grant Morrison as he contributed some good pages for Batman #700.
Starting in November, Finch will gonna be the writer/artist of a new ongoing Batman title BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT, If you think that's too much, wait till you hear this. In this series he will paired with legendary inker Scott Williams.
Now let's hear the man himself on what he have in store for us:
“I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’ve wanted to draw Batman for a very, very long time. Batman and his world embody everything that I love about Superhero comics, and I could not be happier that I’ve gotten this opportunity!
Maybe the greatest thing about Batman is his versatility as a character. He can be so many things to so many people. For me though, the Neal Adams, Denny O’Neil issues from the early 70’s are the most definitive. That work casts a very long shadow over every Batman book that has come out since, and I think its a testament to it’s strength that close to 40 years later it remains modern and vital. Batman is at his best with his hands dirty, chasing the worst of the worst with everything on the line. He’s a detective, first and foremost. But he’s also the enforcer. Nobody gets away with crime under Batman’s watch, and he makes sure they think twice before they step over the line again.
The Dark Knight takes Batman outside what he knows, into a world of demonology, dark arts, and mystery. He’s the ultimate detective, faster, stronger and smarter than any villian, but now he faces creatures to whom logic and mortality don’t apply.
I want Dark Knight to be true to Batman’s street level, crime fighter roots. He’ll face a rogues gallery that we’re all familiar with, but this book will take him on a darker path where he’ll be stretched to his physical and psychological limits.”

We heard the man, pretty cool huh? So, Is November still a long wait? Don't worry, because in October comes BATMAN: THE RETURN, a one-shot featuring Finch’s artwork and words by Morrison, giving fans some hints of what’s coming up for Batman.
Until then.
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